/* * Created on Aug 16, 2004 * * $Log: MarkovDecisionProcess.java,v $ * Revision 1.4 2004/08/25 02:19:35 bh * Added a few getters. * Added transit(), getRandomState(), getCoincideState(). * * Revision 1.3 2004/08/24 01:12:26 bh * Changed getNextState and getStartState. Because the serialization has * been done in compileStates, those two functions simply return the right * states in the vector. * * Source clean. * * Revision 1.2 2004/08/23 15:47:00 bh * Major redesign of transition model. * * Revision 1.1 2004/08/19 03:19:19 bh * Tested against the textbook 3x4 world. The transition model is still * not ideal. * */ package cs.decision; import java.util.*; /** * A model a 2D Markov Decision Process. * * @author bh */ public class MarkovDecisionProcess { int rows, cols; State[][] grid; Vector reachableStates; int numReachableStates = 0; static final int ACTION_UP = 0; static final int ACTION_RIGHT = 1; static final int ACTION_DOWN = 2; static final int ACTION_LEFT = 3; static final int ACTION_STAY = 4; //stay is not an action per se. static final int numActions = 4; /** * For each action, there is a resulting state. Plus 1 because it's * possible that the action is not allowed at boundaries and the resulting * state is the originating state itself. */ static final int numResultingStates = numActions+1; /** * The actions array contains all valid movements in the environment and * provides a level of abstraction, so the client * of this class doesn't have to worry about specific kinds of actions. */ Action[] actions; /** * Translate two absolute coordinates (r,c) and (r',c') to relative * positions (UP,RIGHT,DOWN,LEFT). Note the order of the relative * positions are the same as the actions[] array. *
	 * dr  dc  |  dr+1  dc+1  |  direction  | code
	 * -1  -1  |     0     0  |     x       | -1 
	 * -1   0  |     0     1  |   DOWN      |  2
	 * -1  +1  |     0     2  |     x       | -1
	 *  0  -1  |     1     0  |   LEFT      |  3
	 *  0   0  |     1     1  |   STAY      |  4
	 *  0  +1  |     1     2  |   RIGHT     |  1
	 * +1  -1  |     2     0  |     x       | -1
	 * +1   0  |     2     1  |    UP       |  0
	 * +1  +1  |     2     2  |     x       | -1
*/ int[][] abs2relative = {{-1,2,-1},{3,4,1}, {-1,0, 1}}; int[][] rel2absolute = {{1,0}, {0,1}, {-1,0},{0,-1}, {0, 0}}; /** * The transition function is a big (4*N^2) sparse matrix. Reduce the * last dimension to 5, number of actions+1 (stay) */ double[][][] transitionModel; Vector transitions; /** * Variables for the iterator methods: getNextAction() and * getNextState(). */ int currentStateIndex; int currentAction; /** * discount factor */ double gamma=1.0; public MarkovDecisionProcess(int rows, int cols){ this.rows = rows; this.cols = cols; grid = new State[rows][cols]; for(int i=0; inull if no more state to visit. */ public State getNextState() { currentStateIndex ++; if(currentStateIndex == numReachableStates) return null; else return (State)reachableStates.get(currentStateIndex); } /** * Because only (in theory) this class know the details of Action, this * method belongs inside the MDP class. * * @return A random valid action. */ public Action getRandomAction() { // Don't need a fancy RNG here. Use Math.random() int a = (int)Math.round(Math.random()*numActions-0.5); return actions[a]; } /** * Generate a proper policy, which of course isn't necessarily optimal. * A multi-path maze tracing problem. */ public void generateProperPolicy(){ Stack stack = new Stack(); for(State s=getStartState(); s!=null; s=getNextState()){ if(s.action != null) continue; stack.push(s); while(!stack.empty()) { State currentState = (State)stack.peek(); currentState.visited = true; int a; for(a=0; anull if no more action's possible. */ public Action getNextAction() { currentAction ++; if(currentAction == numActions) return null; else return actions[currentAction]; } /** * Set a state to terminate state. * @param row Row number of the state. * @param col Column number of the state. */ public void setTerminateState(int row, int col) { grid[row-1][col-1].setTerminate(); grid[row-1][col-1].utility = grid[row-1][col-1].reward; } /** * This function is only intended for setting up the process. An * algorithm (user of this class) should use the next one. * @param row Row number, starting from 1, not 0. * @param col Column number, starting from 1. * @param r Reward. */ public void setReward(int row, int col, double r) { State s = grid[row-1][col-1]; // If s is null, s is a hole. So no warning is issued. if(s != null){ s.reward = r; // for terminate states, the (initial) reward value // is its utility value. Remember this function is // used for initilizing the MDP. if(s.terminate) s.utility = r; } } /** * Set reward value. * @param s The state to be set value to. * @param r The reward value. */ public void setReward(State s, double r) { s.reward = r; } /** * * @param s The state. * @return The reward value of the state. */ public double getReward(State s) { return s.reward; } /** * Set utility of a state. If the state is a terminate state, its * utility value keeps unchanged. * @param s The state. * @param u The utility. */ public void setUtility(State s, double u){ if(s.terminate){ //TODO the assignment is redundant s.utility = s.reward; }else s.utility = u; } /** * Used (solely) by policy evaluation. Setting the utility value of a state. * @param index The index of the state. * @param u The utility value. */ public void setUtility(int index, double u) { ((State)reachableStates.get(index)).utility = u; } /** * @param s The state. * @return The utility value of the state. */ public double getUtility(State s) { return s.utility; } /** * @return Returns the gamma. */ public double getGamma() { return gamma; } /** * @param gamma The gamma to set. */ public void setGamma(double gamma) { this.gamma = gamma; } public void accumTransitionProbability(int r, int c, Action a, int rp, int cp, double prob) { State s = grid[r-1][c-1]; if(s.terminate) return; int nextStateIndex = abs2relative[rp-r+1][cp-c+1]; transitionModel[s.index][a.action][nextStateIndex] += prob; } public void accumTransitionProbability(State s, Action a, State sp, double p) { accumTransitionProbability(s.row+1, s.col+1, a, sp.row+1, sp.col+1, p); } /** * This function is for setting up the transition model. * @param r Row number (starts from 1) of current state. * @param c Column number (starts from 1) of current state. * @param a Action to be taken. * @param rp Row number of next state, after the action is performed. * @param cp Column number of next state. * @param prob The probability of this chain of action: T(s,a,s'). */ public void setTransitionProbability(int r, int c, Action a, int rp, int cp, double prob) { State s = grid[r-1][c-1]; if(s.terminate) return; int nextStateIndex = abs2relative[rp-r+1][cp-c+1]; transitionModel[s.index][a.action][nextStateIndex] = prob; } /** * Set T(s,a,s'). * @param s The source state. * @param a The action to be taken. * @param sp The destination state. * @param p The probability. */ public void setTransitionProbability(State s, Action a, State sp, double p) { setTransitionProbability(s.row+1, s.col+1, a, sp.row+1, sp.col+1, p); } /** * This is the transition function, T(s,a,s') in the textbook. * * @param s The current state. * @param a Action to be taken. * @return A list of (probability,next-state) pairs. */ public Vector getTransition(State s, Action a) { transitions.clear(); // If s is a terminate state, no transition function for it. // Return an empty vector. if(s.terminate) return transitions; double p; State nextState; for(int i=0; i=0; --i){ for(int j=0; j"); System.out.println(""); for(int i=rows-1; i>=0; --i){ System.out.println(""); for(int j=0; j"); if(grid[i][j] != null){ if(grid[i][j].terminate) System.out.print(grid[i][j].utility); else System.out.print(grid[i][j].utility+":"+grid[i][j].action); } else System.out.print(" N "); System.out.println(""); } System.out.println(""); } System.out.println("
"); if(showHeader) System.out.println(""); } /** * For testing only. * */ public void dumpTransitionModel() { System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); State s; for(int i=rows-1; i>=0; --i){ System.out.println(""); for(int j=0; j"); if((s=grid[i][j]) != null){ for(int a=0; a<4; ++a) { Action act = actions[a]; Vector t=getTransition(s, act); System.out.print(act+":"); for(int k=0; k"); } } else System.out.print(" N "); System.out.println(""); } System.out.println(""); } System.out.println("
"); } public State move(State s, Action a) { return move(s, a.action); } /** * Move on the environment. It'll never return a null (a unreachable * state). * * @param s Current state. * @param action Type of movement. * @return Next state after the movement. */ public State move(State s, int action){ int row = s.row; int col = s.col; if (action == ACTION_STAY) return s; // If the movement is not possible, it stays where it was. // This is a hidden rule and should be revealed to the outside // world through some interface(s). // If there's a hole, it'll return null. All taken care of // by grid[][]. switch (action) { case ACTION_UP: row += 1; if(row > rows-1) row = rows-1; break; case ACTION_RIGHT: col += 1; if(col > cols-1) col = cols-1; break; case ACTION_DOWN: row -= 1; if(row < 0) row = 0; break; case ACTION_LEFT: col -= 1; if(col < 0) col = 0; break; } // if the destination is a hole, stay where it was. if(grid[row][col] == null) return s; else return grid[row][col]; } /** * @return Total number of valid actions. */ public int getNumberActions() { return numActions; } /** * This is like move(), only taking the transition model into account. * That is, if you move upwards, you could end up at the cell to the * left. * @param s Current state. * @param a Action to be taken. * @return Next state. */ public State transit(State s, Action a) { double[] dist = new double[numResultingStates]; // Create the distribution of T(s,a,s') int sIndex = s.getIndex(); int aIndex = a.getIndex(); dist[0] = transitionModel[sIndex][aIndex][0]; for(int i=1; i